
ThedefaultsizeofthemacOSsystemis12GB.Itimpliesthathavingaround12GBofSystemDataisnormal.Youroperatingsystemshouldautomaticallymaintain ...,,2022年6月27日—macOSMonterey—from15.24GBto20.24GBonaverage;macOSBigSur—from14.94GBto19.94GBonaverage;OldermacOSversions—from8.8GBto18.5GB, ...,2021年5月27日—Ifyou'vedownloadedBigSurorlookedcloselyatitspageontheAppStore,you'llknowthattheinstaller/downloadsize...

Why does system take up so much storage on Mac?

The default size of the macOS system is 12 GB. It implies that having around 12GB of System Data is normal. Your operating system should automatically maintain ...

How Much Space does macOS Take on Your Mac?

2022年6月27日 — macOS Monterey—from 15.24GB to 20.24GB on average; macOS Big Sur—from 14.94GB to 19.94GB on average; Older macOS versions—from 8.8GB to 18.5GB, ...

How much space does macOS take up? It depends.

2021年5月27日 — If you've downloaded Big Sur or looked closely at its page on the App Store, you'll know that the installer/download size is 12.6GB. And you ...

See used and available storage space on your Mac

On your Mac, see a visual representation of the storage space currently being used by apps and files, and see how much space is available.

How much space does MacOS Monterey take up?

2022年3月9日 — The MacOS Monterey installer is 12.16GB. However, this isn't the whole picture, as it'll work out to a much larger install once unpacked. It's ...

How to check a Mac's free hard drive space

2022年9月3日 — Click the Storage tab in the toolbar to see how much disk space you have available. (On OS X Mountain Lion or Mavericks, click the More info ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
